Iron deficiencies
Interveinal Chlorosis and Blade Blanching.
Remedy usage of specific products
We advise intervention with:
Corrective-Micronutrients, Organic - Maxiron
Corrective-Micronutrients, Organic - Ferro Forte
Foliar Feeds - Iron Spray “the leaves’fertilizer”
Foliar Feeds - Phos-Phyto Fe
Corrective-Micronutrients, Organic - Extrairon
We advise intervention with:
Corrective-Micronutrients, Organic - Maxiron
Corrective-Micronutrients, Organic - Ferro Forte
Foliar Feeds - Iron Spray “the leaves’fertilizer”
Foliar Feeds - Phos-Phyto Fe
Corrective-Micronutrients, Organic - Extrairon

Manganese deficiencies
Interveinal Chlorosis of younger leaves.
Remedy usage of specific products
We advise intervention with:
Foliar Feeds - Nu-Zim soluble
Foliar Feeds - Nu-Mix Spray
Foliar Feeds - New-Complet
We advise intervention with:
Foliar Feeds - Nu-Zim soluble
Foliar Feeds - Nu-Mix Spray
Foliar Feeds - New-Complet

Boron deficiencies
Irregular new growth - small leaves - Witches' broom - Pit necrosis.
Remedy usage of specific products
We advise intervention with:
Foliar Feeds, Organic - Borofluid
Foliar Feeds - New-Complet
Corrective-Micronutrients - Micromag L
We advise intervention with:
Foliar Feeds, Organic - Borofluid
Foliar Feeds - New-Complet
Corrective-Micronutrients - Micromag L

Molybdenum deficiencies
New irregular leaves - Growth retardation - Reduced leaf area.
Remedy usage of specific products

Copper deficiencies
Leaves curling - Stunted growth - Chlorosis of the leaf tips.
Remedy usage of specific products

Zinc deficiencies
Lack of growth - Formation of small leaves - Chlorosis of young leaves.
Remedy usage of specific products
We advise intervention with:
Foliar Feeds - Nu-Zim soluble
Foliar Feeds - Nu-Mix Spray
Foliar Feeds - New-Complet
Foliar Feeds - Phos-Phyto Zn
We advise intervention with:
Foliar Feeds - Nu-Zim soluble
Foliar Feeds - Nu-Mix Spray
Foliar Feeds - New-Complet
Foliar Feeds - Phos-Phyto Zn
Role in plant nutrition
Plays an important role in formation of the chlorophyll, the green pigment responsible for the absorption of solar radiation, powering the photosynthetic process.
Takes part in protein synthesis and activates enzymatic processes.
Favourites nucleic acids synthesis and helps the plant in metabolising carbohydrates.
Favourites nitrogen and iron metabolism and takes part in chlorophyll synthesis.
Takes part in formation of lignin, contained in cell walls. Involved in many enzyme processes. Necessary for a proper photosynthesis development.
Necessary for metabolism auxin, a plant hormone that favourites cells growth through cell stretching and fruit development. Necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acids.
Damaged crop
Top fruit
Greenhouse vegetables
Field vegetables